Accessible Digital Inclusion for All

Registered Charity in England and Wales - Charity Number 1209468


Digital exclusion is an educational emergency which needs your help now

Overseas Education

Global Overview

For at least 463million children whose schools closed due to COVID-19, there was no such a thing as remote learning,” said Henrietta Fore, UNICEF Executive Director.

The sheer number of children whose education was completely disrupted for months on end is a global education emergency. The repercussions could be felt in economies and societies for decades to come.”  

Approximately 49% of children in East and Southern Africa did not have access to remote learning in 2020. This crucial research done by UNICEF identifies the need many children continue to face. As we work with schools in the United Kingdom, we also want to effectively support children in Africa starting in Kenya.  

The Way Forward

Digital exclusion is an educational emergency. Today a proportion of learning and research by schools going children is done online. As children progress through the educational system so does the amount of online learning required. For many years digital equipment has been sent to schools/children across the developing world. However, many foreign companies and organisations have failed to achieve a positive outcome, as their focus was based on equipment deployment and not the support or systems required to achieve effective continuous digital learning and progression.

We at Town and Community are changing the outlook and our aim is not to simply take on a simplistic approach of supply laptops and computing equipment to schools in Kenya. We will be providing a fully supported, sustainable and measurable framework that also provides:

  • Continuous training for teachers and community support representatives
  • Computing Hubs for effective learning with full internet connectivity
  • Technical support to facilitate replacement and repairs or equipment
  • Safeguarding training for the teachers and community representatives
  • Mental Health development

If you can help with this cause or any others then please


STEM Projects

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STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics). We are working with the STEM Ambassador Hub North East England covering Northumberland, Tyne and Wear, County Durham and Tees Valley.

Digital Projects

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We are leading a programme to alleviate digital poverty in North East England starting with school children.

  • Help children's education

    Donate your redundant computer equipment and mobile phones, so we can repurpose these for children's education.

  • Provide clean water and energy

    Donate what you can to provide clean water and energy for developing communities.

  • Safe housing

    Donate what you can to provide safe housing for developing communities.

What can you do to help?

There's a lot of things we need you for.

Donate now

Please donate computers, mobile phones, and IT equipment

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